After several days of visits with her sisters, uncle-in-law, niece, nephew, mother and her mother's partner Gary, Anna was admitted into Permahousing. Initial clinicians elicited her accounts of past experiences, assessing and recording her condition as based in early childhood sexual abuse trauma and the effects of long term psychiatric institutionalization. With her consent, both her case manager and Permahousing's director struggled to find her the safe, stable residential treatment and consistent on-going therapeutic relationship it was felt she needed to address her trauma. Such resources however, were not to be found in the public mental health system. Episodes of escalation, self injury and talk of suicide soon led Anna back again to the only options available more restrictive housing, psychiatric emergency services, psychiatric hospitalization and locked facilities.*
In these facilities she was uniformly viewed as "schizophrenic", incapable of communication or insight and in need of forced control, symptom management and neuroleptic drugs. At times her past experiences with medication were ignored and she was forced to take dosages beyond what had been shown she could tolerate. *SART, Zeller Goviea, La Casa del Puente, East Valley Pavilion, Don Lowe Pavilion, Barbara Arons Pavilion. |