At Anna's request they drove to a national forest park close by. It was a beautiful afternoon. They shared a picnic dinner. Gary took some pictures. Anna and her mother walked along the paths of the park. As Anna looked up at the trees in this natural and free setting which she loved so much, she said, "Oh, who would want to leave this world, with the trees, and the sky, so beautiful..."

Further along on their walk she suddenly recognized a section of land that she had visited before. It was part of the hospital's sprawling grounds, just adjoining the park. She shuddered and quickly walked away, asking please to go elsewhere. But it was time to return. They reached the hospital ward by 5:00 p.m. to find the other patients just leaving for dinner. Anna, her mother and Gary continued their visit in a closed courtyard adjoining the ward. Anna then released her rage and pain through what was evidently an acceptable channel – a reading from Revelations. All activity stopped for those minutes while her voice screamed out fiercely, echoing biblical words of wrath and fury down the halls of Ward T-5. Later, as Anna's mother was preparing to leave, a friend of Anna's, another patient, whispered to her that "G___", a male staff on night shift, had physically pushed Anna out a door that week. They weren't treating her right, he said. Something should be done, he said. Anna's mother, recalling the earlier incident in which two staff on the same night shift had verbally abused, stripped and secluded Anna, thanked him for telling her. It was to go no further....