Sheppard Enoch Pratt Hospital. Anna was nearly twenty two years old when she moved to Maryland and was admitted into Sheppard Enoch Pratt Hospital. Seven years had passed since she had left her family in Rumson. During that time, though they kept in touch intermittently by phone and letter, there had been few visits or personal contacts. Now that she lived within two to three hours driving distance from her mother and younger brother and sister, their visits became more regular and frequent.

Anna had a room of her own at Sheppard and was allowed to decorate it and hang her paintings and pictures in abundance. Her artwork was predominant in the hospital patient's publication of poems, writings and art. Most of the patients on her ward were young adults. There were frequent parties, dances and other activities involving the young people from other wards as well. She developed friendships with a few which lasted in her memories and sometimes through phone calls and letters, over the years. Several staff took great interest in her, responding to her when she would call or write from other hospitals later.

During the course of her stay at Sheppard, Anna learned, through conversation with other patients who had also been sexually assaulted as small children, that she wasn't "the only one in the world." She was then able to describe the details of her own abuse at three years of age, to her mother. If she shared this information at the time with the staff at Sheppard, there is no indication in her records.